The money's on Angelina

New research reveals Hollywood's top earning actresses.

by Jennie Kermode

She's been voted the sexiest woman in Hollywood, and now she's been revealed as the richest. Angelina Jolie has topped a poll by Forbes magazine, with annual earnings of $27M making her the most successful actress in the business.Most of the money came from profit-shares on Wanted, making it clear why she's still keen to appear in action movies despite the awards she's won for more thoughtful roles.

Runner up in the poll was Jennifer Aniston, the former wife of Angelina's husband Brad Pitt. She earned $25 million, largely thanks to the success of feelgood comedy Marley And Me, though she continues to get substantial royalty payments from Friends. She's also managed to cash in on her success with a lucrative advertising contract for mineral water.

Other actresses doing well for themselves are Meryl Streep, who made $24M, mostly from Mamma Mia; Sarah Jessica Perker, with $23M from Sex And The City; and Cameron Diaz, who made $20M from assorted projects. But acting isn't a big money-spinner for everyone. Despite winning the Oscar for Best Actress, Kate Winslet made only $2M. And actresses still earn a pitiful amount compared to their male counterparts, with Harrison Ford making a massive $65M.

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