Karl Malden is dead at 97

We say goodbye to the great character actor.

by Jennie Kermode

They said he would never make it in Hollywood. He didn't have those trademark celebrity looks. But Karl Malden's complex, intelligent performances shot him to fame and won him roles in some of the most important films of the Golden Age. He died yesterday at the age of 97, after several years of declining health.

Malden won an Oscar for his portrayal of the loyal but troubled Mitch in A Streetcar Named Desire, and also appeared in classics like On The Waterfront, The Birdman Of Alcatraz and How The West Was Won. His trademark bulbous nose, which he claimed was the result of sporting accidents, meant that he was usually cast in working class roles, but he relished the opportunity to bring depth to these challenging characters. He also enjoyed a successful television career, appearing alongside Michael Douglas in The Streets Of San Fransisco. "Karl 'The Mentor' Malden was a great actor, father and husband. I admired and loved him deeply," said Douglas upon hearing of his death.

Malden is survived by his wife of 70 years, Mona Greenberg; their daughters Mila and Cara; three grandchildren and four great grandchildren.

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