The Boat That Rocked is launched

Richard Curtis talks about his new film.

by Jennie Kermode

Popular screenwriter Richard Curtis was in Glasgow last night for a special sneak preview of his new film, The Boat That Rocked. He said he wanted it to be a tribute to the DJs he loved and something special for all those kids who used to curl up in bed at night with their headphones on.

"I was one of those kids," he said. "I went to a boarding school. Chapel was between five and six o'clock and that was when Pick Of The Pops was on, so I used to hide and listen rather than going to church. In retrospect it looks like I made the right decision, because nobody's sure now if God exists but we all still love pop music."

Describing this portrait of pirate radio as "the friendliest film I've ever worked on," he went on to introduce its young star, Tom Sturridge, who blushed and said shyly "I genuinely hope that you enjoy the film."

That's the thing about young people," Curtis laughed. "They're full of hope."

Curtis will no doubt be hoping that his film will make waves, though audience reactions to the film were mixed. "We loved making it," said star Nick Frost, adding helpfully, "It's set on a boat."

"Yes," put in his co-star Chris O'Dowd, "but it's not wet."

Will The Boat That Rocked make a splash? Judge for yourself when it opens on April Fools Day.

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