Free films across London

The Frijj Film Festival offers a classic selection.

by Jennie Kermode

"It's straight from the fridge!" says Gillian Hills in Beat Girl, and she could very well be talking about one of the super-cool movies set to screen across London at the Fridge Film Festival - all for free!

Keep your Thursday nights free. Each week, between 14 August and 18 September, Odeon and Cineworld cinemas in London will be showing a selection of classic films such as Jaws, Kill Bill, Die Hard. The Matrix and The Predator. It's a great chance to catch up with old favourites. If you've only ever seen these films on DVD, check out what they can do on the big screen. From Ghostbusters to The Godfather, there's something for everyone, including recent hits like Sin City and Shaun Of The Dead. There will even be a special red carpet back-to-back screening of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.

To get your free tickets, just visit visit the festival website here. Don't forget to let people know you heard about it here first!

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