Tribeca Festival 2024

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AlphaGo AlphaGo
AlphaGo and North By Northwest
AlphaGo (Country: US; Year: 2017; Director: Greg Kohs; Stars: Demis Hassabis, Ioannis Antonoglou, Martin Rees, Thore Graepel, Lee Sedol, Michael Redmond, John Holmes, Yoo Changhyuk, Aja Huang, Vedavyas Panneershelvam, Andrew Jackson, Jeong Yoojeong, Kim Seongryong, Janice Kim, Hyeyeon Cho)
Google's DeepMind team takes on one of the world's top Go players in a weeklong tournament.
North By Northwest (Country: US; Year: 1959; Director: Alfred Hitchcock; Writer: Ernest Lehman; Stars: Cary Grant, Eva Marie Saint, James Mason, Jessie Royce Landis, Leo G. Carroll, Josephine Hutchinson, Philip Ober, Martin Landau, Adam Williams, Edward Platt)
A case of mistaken identity and false accusation sees an innocent man go on the run from the CIA and a criminal gang.
The Sugarland Express (Country: US; Year: 1974; Director: Steven Spielberg; Writer: Hal Barwood, Matthew Robbins, Steven Spielberg; Stars: Goldie Hawn, Ben Johnson, Michael Sacks, William Atherton, Gregory Walcott)
A woman attempts to reunite her family by helping her husband escape prison and together kidnapping their son. But things don't go as planned when they are forced to take a police hostage on the road.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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