A selection of short films will also screen.
Lek And The Dogs and Spell Reel
A Blemished Code
(Country: UK; Year: 2017; Director: Anne-Marie Copestake; Writer: Anne-Marie Copestake)
The life and work of artist Margaret Benyon, pioneer in the artistic use of holography.
Dead The Ends
(Country: UK; Year: 2017; Director: Benedict Seymour )
Retelling the story of La Jetee, bookended by London's 2011 riots.
Erase And Forget
(Country: UK; Year: 2017; Director: Andrea Luka Zimmerman; Writer: Taina Galis, Andrea Luka Zimmerman; Stars: Ted Kotcheff, Bo Gritz)
Documentary about Vietnam veteran James Gordon ‘Bo’ Gritz, who became the inspiration for Rambo and John 'Hannibal' Smith.
Les Fort Des Fous
(Year: 2017; Director: Narimane Mari; Writer: Narimane Mari)
Meditation on colonial power and its legacy.
Frantz Fanon: Black Skin, White Mask
(Frantz Fanon, peau noire masque blanc)
(Country: UK; Year: 1995; Director: Isaac Julien; Writer: Isaac Julien, Mark Nash, Harold Manning; Stars: Colin Salmon, Halima Daoud, Noirin Ni Dubhgaill, Amir M. Korangy, Al Nedjari, Rachida Rahal, Ana Ramalho, John Wilson, Joey Attawia, Lavanne Carlos, Suzanne Carney, Zeina Carrington, Sally Craddock, Ouifak Gouja, Hadj Abdelhamid)
Documentary about the Afro-Caribbean psychiatrist and revolutionary.
Hemlock Forest
(Country: US; Year: 2016; Director: Moyra Davey; Writer: Moyra Davey; Stars: Moyra Davey)
Personal essay film inspired by the work of Chantal Akerman.
Life Imitation
(Country: China; Year: 2017; Director: Zhou Chen; Writer: Zhou Chen)
Documenting queer lives on the edge.
Lek And The Dogs
(Ivan And The Dogs)
(Country: UK; Year: 2017; Director: Andrew Kötting; Writer: Hattie Naylor, Andrew Kotting; Stars: Xavier Tchili, Clay Barnard)
A man who lived with a pack of dogs as a child recalls his past.
Looking For Oum Kulthum
(Country: Germany, Italy, Austria, Morocco; Year: 2017; Director: Shirin Neshat, Shoja Azari; Writer: Shoja Azari, Ahmad Diba, Shirin Neshat; Stars: Neda Rahmanian, Yasmin Raeis, Mehdi Moinzadeh, Kais Nashif, Soumaya Akaaboune, Rainer Guldener, Najia Skalli, Nadia Niazi, Nadia Benzakour, Eric Cuvelier, Rodin Hamidi, Jalil Tijani, Nour Kamar, Bandar Atifi, Mohammed Bouih)
Mitra is an ambitious artist ho embarks on her dream project of making a film about the legendary Egyptian singer and diva Oum Kulthum.
Strand gala
The Maersk Opera
(Country: Denmark; Year: 2017; Director: Superflex )
Examination of Copenhagen's controversial performance space.
No Trace Of Accelerator
(Country: UK, Norway; Year: 2017; Director: Emily Wardill)
The impact that seemingly unconnected fires had on a small French community.
Om Dar-B-Dar
(Country: India; Year: 1988; Director: Kamal Swaroop; Stars: Gopi Desai, Manish Gupta, Anita Kanwar, Aditya Lakhia, Lakshminarayan Shastri, Lalit Tiwari)
Experimental tale of a teenager.
(Country: France, Belgium, Occupied Palestinian Territory; Year: 2017; Director: Basma Alsharif; Writer: Basma Alsharif; Stars: Jessica Bellinger, Lauren Strom Berg, Coleman Collins, Claire De Pimodan, Bo Gallerito, Neemah Abu Ghenas, Yann Gourdon, Sky Hopinka, Diego Marcon, Joseph Valdez)
Homage to the Gaza Strip.
The Pure Necessity
(Country: Belgium; Year: 2017; Director: David Claerbout)
Reworking of Disney animation The Jungle Book, removing the human characters.
Spell Reel
(Country: Germany, Portugal, France, Guinea-Bissau; Year: 2017; Director: Filipa César)
Experimental documentary about a cinema movement involved in the Guinea-Bissau liberation movement.
Spite Your Face
(Country: UK; Year: 2017; Director: Rachel Maclean; Writer: Rachel Maclean)
Reworking of Pinocchio for the neo-liberal era.
Tonsler Park
(Country: US; Year: 2017; Director: Kevin Jerome Everson; Stars: Sally Barbour, Shaquita Morton, Deborah Tyler, Shaka Syndor, Maurice Walker, Kenneth Banks, Marissa Turner-Harris, Joan Woodfolk, Reverend Ralph Brown, Doris Plant-Hill, Melissa Morton, Joyce Burton, Eanna Langston, Rose Clark, Regina Vaughan)
US Election Day 2016 as seen through the operations of polling stations in Charlottesville, Virginia.
Tripoli Cancelled
(Country: US, UK, Germany, Greece, Bangladesh; Year: 2017; Director: Naeem Mohaiemen; Writer: Naeem Mohaiemen; Stars: Vassilis Koukalani)
Story of a man who was trapped in an airport without a passport.