A look at the vibrant work of up-and-coming filmmakers.
Scrambled and The Tournament
Barefoot On The Stage
(A piedi nudi sul palco)
(Country: Italy; Year: 2007; Director: Andrea Rovetta; Writer: Alessandra Cravetto, Valeria Paniccia, Andrea Rovetta; Stars: Vanni Bramati, Cecilia Dazzi, Claudia Pastorelli)
A demanding director and feisty actress go head to head in an audition.
(Country: Italy; Year: 2007; Director: Silvia Chiogna; Stars: N Herrera, D Ezeta, H Haasis, U Schmitt)
A Bolivian illegal in Germany finds herself sexually harrassed at her cleaning job, but with no law to turn to she is trapped.
Natural Born Bully
(Bulli si nasce)
(Country: Italy; Year: 2008; Director: Massimo Cappelli; Writer: Federica Pontremoli; Stars: Chiara Francini, Fabio Troiano)
Why doesn't a bullied boy defend himself? And why does someone decide to defend him?
The Referee
(Country: Italy; Year: 2008; Director: Paolo Zucca; Stars: Gilberto Idonea, Luca Pusceddu, Franco Fais, Enrico Sassu, Teresa Matta, Giorgio Franco Zucca)
In the murky mayhem of a lowest division footbal lmatch, the destinies of two thieves
cross paths…
(Country: Italy; Year: 2008; Director: Alessandro Celli; Writer: Alessandro Celli; Stars: Massimo De Santis, Patrizio La Bella, Marta Mangiucca, Katia Pietrobelli)
A normal day of cooking breakfast is changed by a twist of fate.
The Referee and Natural Born Bully
(Country: Italy; Year: 2006; Director: Gabriele Mainetti; Writer: Nicola Guaglianone; Stars: Claudio Battiferri, Santa De Santis, Marco Giallini, Alessandro Giordani, Flavio Insinna, Daniele Liotti, Valerio Mastandrea, Riccardo Ponis, Angelo Puzzutiello, Luisa Ranieri)
The Tournament
(Il Torneo)
(Country: Italy; Year: 2008; Director: Michele Alhaique; Writer: Federico Mazzei
; Stars: Lorenzo De Angelis, Andrea Meloni, Fabio Scotti, Alessio Attanasio, Danilo Meloni, Giada Fradeani, Giordano de Plano )
Footballing boys learn lessons in sportsmanship. (N)
Water Closet
(Pillole di bisogni )
(Country: Italy; Year: 2008; Director: Ivano De Matteo; Stars: Elisabetta Pellini Rolando Ravello, Cecilia Dazzi, Thomas Trabacchi, Siddharta Prestinari, Simone Colombari, Giorgio Gobbi, Giorgio Caputo, Giada Fradeani, Giacomo Gonnella, Emanuela La Salvia, Lidia Vitale, Elisa Alessandro, Francesca Nunzi, Lupo De Matteo, Nazzareno Bomba)
There are rules and regulations that seem to follow us everywhere in life, except in the public toilet of a bar.