Van Helsing

DVD Rating: ****

Reviewed by: Tony Sullivan

Read Tony Sullivan's film review of Van Helsing
Van Helsing

Excellent picture quality, surprising considering how much of the film is set at night, in dark castles, with black cats (just kidding).

Excellent sound reproduction, score and dialogue and effects all nicely balanced.

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No Easter Eggs found on disc.

Van Helsing is loaded with extras. Explore Dracula's Castle is one of those click and move Virtual Reality things, clever and entertaining for two clicks before boredom sets in. Difficult to get out of as well.

Bloopers are a collection of pratfalls, goofed dialogue and folk generally misbehaving. Funnier for the cast, but Hugh Jackman does have an engagingly goofy giggle.

Bringing the Monsters To Life is a look at the special effects, referencing the computer talent used to create the various foes. The folk are inexplicably fond of the CGI Hyde beast for reasons that escape me. The vampire brides are well done and cleverly realised in an effort to make up for other deficiencies.

You Are In The Movie wins points for novelty value. A variety of hidden video cameras in bizarre locations record the actors seeking out their entrance points onto the sets and then finding their "marks," the sticky tape on the floor, indicating where they should stand.

The Legend Of Van Helsing is a brief look at the vampire slayer's past and then a lot of stuff on the new incarnation.

Commentaries: count 'em - TWO commentary tracks. The first, with director Stephen Sommers and producer Bob Ducsay, is easily the more informative. Sommers notes that this version is his director's cut, unchanged from the theatrical release. The second chatathon, with Richard Roxburgh (Ol' Drac), Shuler Hensley (Frankenstein Monster) and Will Kemp (Velkan), is less formal and funnier. Where are the stars, eh?

XBox game is an entire level of the Van Helsing game, provided for those with the correct gadget.

Reviewed on: 15 Dec 2006
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Van Helsing packshot
CGI overload as Dracula hunter encounters famous fictional characters and assorted beasties
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Product Code: 23266

Region: 2

Ratio: 1.85:1 Anamorphic widescreen

Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1

Extras: Disc One: commentary with director Stephen Sommers and producer Bob Duscay; commentary with Richard Roxburgh, Shuler Hensley and Will Kemp; Explore Dracula

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