The Silent Enemy

Blu-Ray Rating: ***1/2

Reviewed by: Amber Wilkinson

Read Amber Wilkinson's film review of The Silent Enemy
The Silent Enemy
| Photo: Studiocanal

This new blu-ray and DVD release from Studiocanal has been nicely scrubbed up, so that the underwater scenes are clear to see even on a small screen. The Real Commander Crabb: Interview with author Tim Binding is in depth and interesting, even if the 'production values' - namely a Zoom call intercut ith the film - are on the basic side. Binding is very knowledgeable about Crabb and talks through not only the plot of the film and how it differs from real life but the frogman's later years and the mystery surrounding his 'death'. In addition to offering the whys and the hows of his life, Binding also offers an insight into Crabb's character.

An enjoyable snippet of Pathe newsreel entitled Commander Crabb Mystery shows how is disappearance was met at the time and rounds out the package nicely.

Copy picture Reviewed on: 25 Apr 2022
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The Silent Enemy packshot
Explosives exert Lionel Crabb joins frogmen to root out an Italian wartime secret base.

Region: 0

Ratio: 1.37:1

Sound: Dolby Digital

Extras: The Real Commander Crabb: Interview with author Tim Binding, Commander Crabb Mystery Pathe newsreel

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