Eye For Film >> Movies >> Jason X (2001) DVD Review
Filmed in standard widescreen, then finished digitally, the movie looks absolutely wonderful. Star Wars, Episode II, may have the edge, but this is still one of the best looking DVD pictures I have ever seen. Problems are virtually non-existent, colours and fleshtones immaculate and blacks blacker than...um...something very black indeed.
The Dolby/DTS tracks are also tour-de-forces. Stabbings and neck breakings have never sounded so good, unless you have been unfortunate enough to hear them in real life. The constant hum of the Grendel ship dominates some of the soundfields, as well as the .1 LFE. It totally stamps over your average Paramount DVD, with its cruddy mono tracks.

The commentary with James Isaac, Todd Farmer and Sean S. Cunningham is worth the time, but I couldn't help but get the feeling that they didn't take their jobs seriously. They regard the movie as a work of art, despite the problems. Are they over-optimistic, or just delusional? Also, Todd Farmer is the only one with any personality.
The Many Lives Of Jason Voorhees, which signs in at 30 mins, is a great DVD documentary. It focuses on Jason as a horror icon - definitely the best - and his influence on the genre. The history of the Friday The 13th series is discussed, as well as some Jason mythology. Paramount take note: THIS is what Jason fans want on their DVDs.
By Any Means Necessary: The Making Of Jason X is pretty cool, too. Every part of making the movie is (superficially) covered, from writing to finished product. It's interesting, especially from a modern filming technique and Jason movie point of view. Paramount never gave us anything like this, either. Getting my hint here?
A theatrical trailer, along with some pretty motion menus, are also included.
Reviewed on: 21 May 2003