It Follows

DVD Rating: ****

Reviewed by: Jennie Kermode

Read Owen Van Spall's film review of It Follows

Copy pictureThis film looks and sounds just as good on DVD, but you'll need a reasonably sized screen as some detail in the long shots is hard to make out otherwise. It comes with the theatrical trailer, which remains very watchable, and with a gallery showing how some key visual moments were worked out. There's also an interview with the composer. "I work under the name Disasterpeace. I've been recording music since I was about 17," he says. Um, yes. And then he talks us through his excellent score in a way that reveals his keen intelligence. When so many modern horror films have soundtracks that make them sound like video games it's intriguing that a score written by someone who start out in video games should be so musically literate and cinematic. Together with the direction, the boldly developed theme and Maika Monroe's acting, it elevates the film well above what horror fans have come to expect, and the inclusion of this interview will add to your enjoyment of the film the next time you watch it.

Reviewed on: 26 Jun 2015
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It Follows packshot
A teenager finds herself having strange visions and becomes convinced that something dangerous is following her.
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James Gracey: Blu-Ray

Product Code: B00U3PW44C

Region: 2

Extras: Disasterpeace interview, gallery, trailer.

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