Eye For Film >> Movies >> Hand of Death (1976) DVD Review
Hong Kong Legends have put Hand of Death through the ultra-bit treatment to great effect. The restored picture quality is amazing, giving full exposure to John Woo’s various fight arenas. Very occasionally there is some warping of the film that no treatment can disguise, but these are few and far between and in general the colours remain vibrant with absolutely minimal flecking and blipping across the picture.
The original sound effects are admirably clear and punctuate the combat scenes crisply. OK, they’re so dated as to sound a little spoof-ish, but in this original, visceral context they complement the onslaught of punches and kicks to sterling effect, making the fight scenes excellent examples of what this genre is all about.

Good old Bey Logan, that Norris McWhirter of Eastern cinema, has been commissioned for another matchless commentary that adds to repeat viewings. As usual, he delivers a non-stop but accessible track of background information and anecdote, ranging from an individual actor’s fighting style, to John Woo’s cameo appearances to potted histories of Eastern martial arts films.
Reviewed on: 11 Apr 2007