Gone In 60 Seconds

DVD Rating: ***

Reviewed by: Josh Morrall

Read Josh Morrall's film review of Gone In 60 Seconds
Gone In 60 Seconds

The features on this DVD can be evenly enough described as The Life and Times of Jerry Bruckheimer. Conversations With... is one of the longest segments on the disc and from then on the man himself is involved in every featurette and behind-the-scenes item. In fact, if you look hard enough, he's probably in the music video.

Mr Bruckheimer's biography is also monstrous, and had me staring at the screen for about fifteen minutes. I may have enjoyed it more if the font had not been small print and would have felt honoured if a voice-over had been employed to read out the text.

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The featurettes are all more or less the same, but The Big Chase ones are actually quite enjoyable, giving the audience an interesting and exciting insight into the stunts and how they were conceived, conducted and filmed. Unfortunately, Stars On The Move and Action Overload are both again completely based around the cars and the stars that were in them 5% of the time. Impressively, a number of the actors went for a one day course to learn the basics of how to drive like a real stunt man, and Cage was even in the hot seat for some of the technical driving moments. However, devoting half an hour to this small fact is what some might call, slightly unnecessary, and what I call, mind numbingly patronising to the point where I wished I was watching Mrs Doubtfire.

Although he's featured more than the film itself, Jerry Bruckheimer tells an interesting story in Conversations With... It's by far the best feature on the disc and is informative as well as watchable. We also learn a few of the ideas behind his past films and are shown clips, which give away the endings to most of them, as well previews to his upcoming projects.

The widescreen is constrictive for those in a position to notice and the sound just isn't right. I felt like the film was taking place above my head, and many of the words in the early part can't be heard. However, there are just enough explosions to appreciate the enhanced picture quality and you'll be praising the sharpness when a Selby Mustang comes flying across the screen.

All in all, there are just the right amount of features on this disc. You'll be thankful there weren't more, because by the time you're through the biographies you'll be wanting to go to bed, even if it's Sunday morning.

This is definately a DVD to have in your collection, because it's a fully fledged action-fest with an extras-packed disc. You may not like it, but you'll be glad you own it, even if you never find out exactly why it is called...Gone in 60 Seconds.

Reviewed on: 21 Mar 2002
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Gone In 60 Seconds packshot
A celebration of testosterone, driven by an all star cast.
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Product Code: Z1 D888295

Region: 2

Ratio: 2.35:1

Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1

Extras: Zero to 60 Featurette; Wild Rides Featurette; The Big Chase Featurettes: LA Streets, The Naval Yard, The Big Jump; Stars on the Move; Action Overload; Conversations With Jerry Bruckheimer; The Cult Music Video; Biography and Filmography; Trailer

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