Fearless Hyena

DVD Rating: **1/2

Reviewed by: Paul Griffiths

Read Paul Griffiths's film review of Fearless Hyena
Fearless Hyena

Hong Kong Legends have complemented their Hand Of Death release by giving Jackie Chan’s seminal directorial debut, Fearless Hyena, the Ultra-bit treatment as well. Again, the restored picture is back to its former glory with clear, crisp lines and sharp colour definition. All the better for trying to keep up with the near blurring of Chan’s limbs in the amazing fight sequences. The treatment really does the amazing choreography justice. Sound quality, dodgy and dated comedic bounces and all, also meets expectations.

Andrew Staton and Arnie Hayirlioglu from Martial Arts Illustrated and Impact magazine provide the commentary. They’re slow to start, dwelling on the contractual obligations and shenanigans the young Chan had to contend with and often it’s Andrew inviting Arnie to comment. However, they eventually relax into things and while it makes a change to have more than one voice relating anecdotes about an Asian martial arts film, neither can convey the authority or sprightly pace of Bey Logan.

Copy picture Reviewed on: 19 Apr 2007
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Fearless Hyena packshot
A gem from Jackie Chan’s fast-punching back catalogue.
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Product Code: CTD51040

Region: 2

Ratio: 2.35:1 anamorphic widescreen

Sound: Cantonese 5.1, English dub 5.1, original Cantonese mono, English or Dutch subtitles

Extras: Audio commentary, other Hong Kong Legends releases (trailers and specifications)

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