Enter The Clones Of Bruce Lee

Blu-Ray Rating: ****1/2

Reviewed by: Jennie Kermode

Read Jennie Kermode's film review of Enter The Clones Of Bruce Lee
Enter The Clones Of Bruce Lee
"" | Photo: courtesy of Frightfest

A must for any serious kung fu movie fan, Enter The Clones Of Bruce Lee is one of those documentaries that's absolutely stuffed to the gills with interesting content and has an obvious need to spill over, so the Blu-ray format is perfect for it. Where some such packages are comprised of whatever odds and ends the filmmakers or their admirers could scrape together after the fact, everything here is present for a reason. In buying it, you don't just get the main documentary, you get several shorter documentaries as well.

Although some of these are described as 'outtakes', the quality is not too bad and they're still fascinating to watch. There's a lot more material about what the film's various participants thought of Lee personally. There's some great archive material, all situated in context with informed, intelligent commentary. There's a fascinating look at what it was like to work at the legendary Shaw bros. studios in its heyday, and there's a tour of Hong Kong, visiting locations where Bruce Lee films were shot, as well as ones which were important to his own story.

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In addition to this, there's an audio commentary which will hold your interest from start to finish, and a lot more detail about the various 'clones'. All this, plus three different trailers. If you have any interest at all in this side of the film business, this Blu-ray is a treat you can't afford to miss.

Reviewed on: 26 May 2024
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Enter The Clones Of Bruce Lee packshot
A documentary about the men drafted in to fill the gap and keep audiences happy after the death of cinema's greatest martial arts star.

Product Code: B0D26L8XGX

Region: 0

Extras: Audio commentary with co-executive producer/director David Gregory, co-producers Frank Djeng, Vivian Wong and Michael Worth and director of photography Jim Kunz; Working At Shaw Brothers – Outtakes with Godfrey Ho, David Chiang, Yasuaki Kurata, Lee Chiu, Lo Meng, Mars and Phillip Ko; Bruce Lee And I – Outtakes With Sammo Hung, Phillip Ko, Yasuaki Kurata, Mars, Angela Mao, Andre Morgan, Lee Tso Nam and more; The Lost World Of Kung Fu Film Negatives – Outtakes with Godfrey Ho, Joseph Lai, Angela Mao, Lee Tso Nam and fIlm preservationists; Bruce's Hong Kong – location tour with Frank Djeng; Severin's Kung Fu Theater with actor/director/Bruceploitation expert Michael Worth; trailers

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