Eye For Film >> Movies >> Cookie's Fortune (1998) DVD Review

Cookie's Fortune
Reviewed by: Angus Wolfe Murray
Read Angus Wolfe Murray's film review of Cookie's FortuneThe colour in the trailer is appalling. The colour in the DVD is better, but not the best.
Cast & Crew interviews are short. Robert Altman is not moaning when he says he makes low-budget movies because he can't do special effects and that's what the big studios want these days. Glenn Close talks about the characters and Camille (her character). "Altman does long scenes, rather than being chopped up. It's wonderful for the actors."

Julianne Moore talks about Bob, acting, the script. You get the feeling that she's not warming to the interviewer.
Liv Tyler is gushy and a bit shy. "Bob asked me to cut my hair off," she giggles. "I had been glamorous in too many movies, he said." And so she cut her hair. She's still glamorous and much more forthcoming than the others, possibly because she's nervous of giving her opinion. She raves about the director. "He's so sensitive. He just... a nice man."
Chris O'Donnell is a good come-down after that. Obviously, he doesn't want to talk. He's refreshingly unshowy. "The mind's really focused in a small town," he says. "There's nothing else to do but work."
Charles S Dutton is completely straight. You want to spend time with him. He speaks of "a very emotional relationship between them." He's talking of his character and Cookie. Obviously, he enjoyed working on this movie. He liked being in the South.
The Making Of featurette isn't worth it. Altman's interview is repeated and the rest of the stuff doesn't add up to much.
Reviewed on: 04 May 2002