Brothers Of The Head

DVD Rating: ****

Reviewed by: Tony Sullivan

Read Susanna Krawczyk's film review of Brothers Of The Head
Luke and Harry Treadaway in Brothers Of The Head

In a somewhat bizarre twist, the extras on the DVD do not match the descriptions on the case.

We are promised a Making of Documentary and Film Notes as well as the trailer. Instead there are a comprehensive collection of deleted and extended scenes.

Copy picture

The deleted scenes are almost a movie in themselves. Most are "deleted" so as not to make the film run for 3 hours. Some are deleted as they are too knowing, for this "documentary". As a nice touch, the scenes include a mini-credit sheet at their conclusion.

Overall DVD quality is very good, with an excellent Dolby 5.1 surround. Film quality is variable but one suspects this was intentional anyway and just helps the documentary feel of the feature.

Pity we didn't get "The Making of..."

Deleted Scenes

1. The Maid Meets Tom & Barry "They were good boys…" The maid (Joan Campion) waxes lyrical about the boys…

2. Keith & Rod Recall Rod Melvill & Keith Lucas discuss early gigs.

3. Ken Russell National treasure Ken Russell gets some face time, and most of his answers appear to be genuine as he notes that "music was a drug to me…" and "all geniuses are freaks of nature". In a nice in-joke, Ken then rails against the documentary format.

4. Roberta Howe Remembers The boys' mother (Elizabeth Rider) talks about their early days.

5. "Sitting in a Car" – 1975 Complete Live performance.

6. "2 Way Romeo" – 1975 Complete Live performance.

7. "My Friend…" – 1975 Complete Live performance.

8. "Sink or Swim" – Acoustic Song demo version - the boys discuss the creative process

9. Cabaldiss James Greene, David Savile, John Standing and Brian Aldiss as the Aldiss Quadruplets. Brian Aldiss discusses the novel vs. real events.

10. Re-Mastering Sessions Professional musicians, including manic percussionist, Ray Cooper, abet the boy's songs.

11. Eddie Pasqua's First Interview Tom & Barry interviewed.

12. Eddie Pasqua – Sound Bites 13. Eddie Pasqua himself interviewed.

13. Cilla (Annie Lambton) on the Cover Shoot On shooting twins for album covers, Siamese and otherwise.

14. Laura Ashworth Sound Bites Laura Ashworth, and she's very convincing.

15. Zak Bedderwick 1972 Zak Bedderwick goofs off

16. Skegness Pier 2005 Disillusioned in Skegness (this can happen).

Reviewed on: 12 Feb 2007
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Conjoined twins exploited by the music business slowly succumb to psychosis.
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Product Code: B000J4PGRY

Region: 2

Ratio: 1.85:1

Sound: DTS Surround 5.1

Extras: Deleted Scenes.<br>Trailer.

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