Full SQIFF programme announced

Rafiki and A Moment In The Reeds among highlights

by Jennie Kermode

A Moment In The Reeds
A Moment In The Reeds

The full programme for this year's Scottish Queer International Film Festival was announced today, with Kenyan hit Rafiki and Finnish drama A Moment In The Reeds among the big name films scheduled. There will also be a focus on queer Arab lives, an East Asian focus and a night of queer Scottish short films.

The festival, which aims to celebrate the work of lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, transgender, queer and intersex people as well as disabled people and people of colour, will be held in venues around Glasgow between 5 and 9 December. All venues offer good access for disabled people and tickets are charged on a sliding scale so attendees can pay what they can afford, with no proof of income needed.

Workshops and special events include a look at the art of making fun of oneself as an LGBTQ+ person, an exploration of what it's like to date with a disability and a chance to get hands-on experience with virtual reality storytelling.

"We are really happy to be focusing more than ever on representing voices marginalised within film culture at this year's festival," said the SQIFF team. "Furthering our big aim of promoting queer filmmaking in Scotland, we also have more homemade content than ever before."

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