A Serbian Film dropped from FrightFest

Organisers refuse to screen 'heavily cut' version of controversial horror.

by Amber Wilkinson

A Serbian Film
A Serbian Film

Controversial Serbian horror movie A Serbian Film (Srpski Film) has been dropped at the last minute from the Film4 Frightfest line-up.

The film - which has screened at other festivals including South By Southwest - concerns a former porn star forced out of retirement and who finds himself mired in depravity. Its taboo combination of graphic sex, brutal violence and young children has already apparently stirred up trouble at the BBFC.

In a statement, FrightFest co-director Alan Jones said: “Film4 FrightFest has decided not to show A Serbian Film in a heavily cut version because, as a festival with a global integrity, we think a film of this nature should be shown in its entirety as per the director’s intention. Several film festivals across the world have already done so.

"Unlike the I Spit On Your Grave remake, where we are showing the BBFC certified print, as requested by Westminster Council, the issues and time-line complexities surrounding A Serbian Film make it impossible for us to screen it.”

A release date for the film, which is due to be distributed in the UK by Revolver, has yet to be announced.

Read our coverage of FrightFest here

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