Flare 2023

View other Flare Films by strand: Bodies, Hearts, Minds, Shorts

Drifter (Country: Germany; Year: 2023; Director: Hannes Hirsch; Stars: Lorenz Hochhuth, Cino Djavid, Gustav Schmidt, Oscar Hoppe, Marie Tragousti)
Moritz has moved to Berlin to be with his boyfriend, but their relationship soon ends. The 22-year-old embarks on a journey filled with kinks, metamorphoses and self-discovery into the depths of Berlin’s party scene.
The Stroll (Country: US; Year: 2023; Director: Kristen Lovell, Zackary Drucker)
The history of New York’s Meatpacking District, told from the perspective of transgender sex workers who lived and worked there. Filmmaker Kristen Lovell, who walked The Stroll for a decade, reunites her community to recount the violence, policing, homelessness, and gentrification they overcame to build a movement for transgender rights.
Who I Am Not (Country: Romania, Canada, Germany, South Africa, US; Year: 2023; Director: Tunde Skovran; Writer: Tunde Skovran, Andrei Zincã)
Born with typically male and female attributes within one single body, a beauty queen and a male-presenting activist break the intersex taboo through a personal and intimate exploration of truth, faith, and belonging.

59th New York Film Festival early bird highlights Futura, Jane By Charlotte, James Baldwin: From Another Place and The Velvet Underground

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